
This is what your blog could look like

The blog page of this website is an example of how your blog can look. There are a few things we can tweak: Name of the blog Instead of “Blog” you might like to call the blog page “News”, “Articles”…

About minimum viable websites

Not everyone needs a big fancy website, especially if you’re just getting started. That’s what No Worries minimum viable websites are for: we get the basics done right, so you can focus on growing your organisation.

Blog, or bonus page?

You’ve got a choice! Home – Blog – Contact or Home – About – Contact This website has a blog. You might not want a blog on your website. If that’s the case, you can swap it out for an…

Why so cheap?

We want startups and small organisations to have access to cheap, easy websites that look great and are simple to use. We also know that some of you will come back to us in the future for more work.

The technical details

CMS: WordPress We’ll build your website using WordPress. WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available on the internet, used by millions of websites worldwide. It is an open-source (and free, yay) software platform that lets…

How we select No Worries website beneficiaries

Sadly, we can’t just build cheap or free websites for everyone. Please note we have a backlog of No Worries websites, and while we dedicate time each week to building them, we also have to do the work that actually…

Buying a domain name and hosting your website

Buying a domain name and website hosting is essential. You can’t have a website without them. A domain name is the web address that people use to find your website (e.g., and website hosting is the service that lets…