No Worries

Minimal websites that get your audience to your organisation, at a fraction of the cost.
This website is a No Worries demo – an example of what we can do for you.

Premium websites

Minimum Viable Website




  • Suitable for startup businesses
Social good Website




  • Suitable for impact organisations
Value $1000 to $2000

What comes with your website

Everything you need to show your organisation off to the world.

Three pages

Let visitors know about what you do and how to get in touch. Home Page, About Us, and Contact. Simple but effective.

Prefer a one-page site? That’s fine too!

Optional blog

Content is king, and you can have the tools to create all the content you need. You have the option to swap your About Us page for a blog.

Use it to inform and attract viewers.

Contact form

We’ll display your contact details loud and proud so people know how to get in touch. We can also include a form that either emails you website enquiries, or adds people to your Mailchimp or CRM database.

Right first time

We set everything up right, so you don’t have to go back and forth with the trial and error method. It’ll look the way it should, from the start.

Infinitely expandable

This is just the start. As your business grows, your website can grow too. You can add any feature or integration to our websites.

Future proof

Built with WordPress on a well-maintained and regularly updated theme, you’re all set for future security updates and the next big thing in website development.

Google friendly

Your website will play nice with Google. That means it’s all set up for Google’s bots to discover and list it in search results, and we’ll take care of SEO (search engine optimisation) to get you higher in search engine results.

Top plugins

Plugins can supercharge your website, but bad ones can slow it down or break it. We select and set up the best plugins for security, performance and SEO enhancement.

User manual

We believe you should be able to drive your own website without outside help. So we provide you with a user manual to help you maintain your site and add new content.

Frequently asked questions

The idea behind these is that it’s the minimum you need to have a good-looking website to start attracting customers or users. No bells and whistles – they can be added later once you’ve got money rolling through the door. For now, let’s get up and running!

We do free No Worries websites for impact organisations. These are organisations doing good in the world, usually what you might call a not-for-profit or a social enterprise.

Wordshop reserves the right to choose who we offer free websites to, based on criteria of our choosing. As a rule, we don’t give free websites to political organisations.

  • Three pages (or two pages and a blog)
  • Beautiful, minimal design
  • All set up ready for you to take the reins
  • Contact details and contact form
  • Google-friendly setup and SEO
  • Premium WordPress theme included for free
  • Plugins installed and set up for SEO, security and site performance

There’s only so much we can do for such a low price. If you want any of the following, we can provide it at a reasonable cost:

  • Installing plugins for custom features
  • Writing new HTML/Javascript/CSS code
  • Designing banners, icons, etc.
  • Logos and branding
  • Photography and videography
  • Copywriting and copy editing
  • Additional pages

We can do a lot with very little, so tell us what you need and we’ll do our best. But if you can provide us with some assets, we’ll make great use of them. The more of these you send us, the better:

  • Your logo
  • Brand colours
  • Brand fonts
  • Images and photos
  • Social media profile links
  • Words! Tell the people who you are and what you do

No catch! Just very cheap, very good websites.

We’ll sign you up to our newsletter, but you’re welcome to unsubscribe.

We’ll also put a wee notice at the bottom of your site saying it was built by Wordshop. We’d love you to keep it there as a favour to us, but if you really want you can delete it.

Simple. We know that some of you will come back to us in the future for more work. It’s a numbers game.

There’s no obligation, but hopefully you’ll have a good experience dealing with us and come to Wordshop next time you need web development, graphic design, copywriting, advertising or publishing.

No, these are not included. However we can help you sort these out if you don’t already have a domain name and hosting.

Wordshop is a design & content agency